Ohio State Paranormal Society is a division of the nationally televised Key West Paranormal Society and an Ohio “non-profit” organization. Our investigators are located in Central Ohio allowing for a rapid response to emergency situations. Each team member comes from various backgrounds and locations, and shares the same desire to research and investigate paranormal activity. Our individual members have his or her own unique talents and abilities to help ensure every investigation performed is of the highest calibre. Contact us with your paranormal activity!

Ohio State Paranormal Society is committed to finding the truth, whatever that truth may be. We exist to both prove and disprove the reality of all things supernatural. We approach our endeavors with open minds and open hearts, as we seek what is buried deep within the spiritual realm. Our goal is to shed light on both the possible and the impossible, all while treading in a place where the mind and body fear to tread. We are dedicated in our quest to investigating the paranormal, and hopefully we will arrive at the whole truth in the end.
OSPS gives back to their own communities. OSPS believes that we not only have the ability to make a difference in peoples lives, but we can also make a difference in the lives of our furry friends. Our team members devote countless hours each year to their favorite charities. We also believe in doing our part to preserving our environment for future generations to come.
OSPS occasionally investigates the Mansfield Reformatory. For additional information on the reformatory visit their website at:
Bulletin Board

Non-Profit Corp.

Ohio State Paranormal Society is a division of Key West Paranormal Society, a non-profit corporation, and we can assist your family FREE-of-charge with your haunting anywhere in Ohio.

Clients' Privacy

Exact locations and private information on our clients will never be disclosed to anyone without the client's prior written authorization.
Florida Divisions

We have two divisions located in Florida, Key West Paranormal Society and Sarasota Paranormal Society. Both are non-profits and can assist your family FREE-of-Charge anywhere throughout Florida.

New York Division

Our sister team, Eastern Suffolk Paranormal, is a non-profit organization and can assist your family FREE-of-Charge anywhere throughout the state of New York.
Military Families

We are always proud to assist all our military families with their paranormal activity and we thank you for your continued honor and service to this country. WE SALUTE YOU!


OSPS members not only devote their spare time to assisting families with their paranormal activity, but they also spend countless hours giving back to their own communities.

Around The World
With over a million visitors to our site, OSPS receives emails for assistance from "Around The World". If we cannot come to you personally, we will help you find a paranormal team who can assist with your paranormal activity.
Ohio State Paranormal Society
We have divisions located on both the East Coast and West Coast of Florida,
a well as a division in Ohio. We also have a sister team located In New York.
We are always seeking great people to join our teams!
for membership information contact us at:
Email: KWPSGhostHunter@gmail.com
Text or Call: 305-407-5723
©2011 by Ohio State Paranormal Society, Inc.